One of the most difficult tasks in today’s world is to find and land the job of your choice. The competition in the job market is rising tremendously and there are thousands of excellent profiles for each of the job descriptions.
Since the competitive market is on the rise, talented and qualified candidates are battling to make their way through the job search and land their dream job. This is definitely not a piece of cake. It requires each candidate to craft an outstanding curriculum vitae with a great cover letter and an amazing personal statement.
Do you have an idea of how to write a good resume? Maybe, you are fairly good enough in writing a noticeable CV but you might lack in writing a personal statement. Is that the case?
Well, here is a detailed guide to help you with the writing of good personal statements for your CV. If you don’t know how to write a personal statement then don’t worry, here is a complete guide.
The personal statement in a CV can be referred to as the personal profile, professional profile, and career objective. The personal statement of a CV occupies valuable space in the job searching and its absence may cause a huge loss in the career.
There are a lot of job seekers who don’t get the personal statement rightly and end up losing the opportunity of getting an excellent job.
With the help of the personal statement in the CV, the recruiters and the hiring managers grab the idea of your professional profile. Your objectives and prime motives in the career become clearer.
In the personal statement, you have to write a short paragraph that follows your name and contact information. Both the elements must sit on the top of your document. The personal statement is also known as the personal profile and this differs from the longer statement that is written for the university and college admissions.
The personal statement of the CV mainly consists of the three components;
- A statement of who you are
- Value to the organization
- Your career objectives and prime aims in the job description
Your personal summary for a CV must take the start by introducing itself. If you are a recent graduate then this may sound amazing for your personal statement,
‘I have recently completed my bachelor’s in computers and looking to start my career with the prestigious organization.’
Or keep it simpler by aiming to progress more into the field.
The personal statement must express your passion for the subject. You must reflect deep insights into the valuable contributions that you can bring to the organizations.
After sharing an overview, you must talk about the career insights, your aims, and objectives related to the job description. Here, you can discuss your accomplishments and achievements in detail and can let the recruiter know why you are the perfect choice for this job description.
Sharing the details that what you can offer to the company is an excellent way to land the job. Let the recruiter know about the skillset and past achievements in your practical life. Even if you don’t have any prior experience in your career, still you are eligible to describe your skillset and expertise in detail. It makes you an outstanding candidate for the job.
After a detailed explanation of your complete profile and traits, conclude your personal statement by highlighting your career objectives and goals.
Before getting into the writing of the personal statement, you need to understand the criteria by which it must be written. Below are some tried and tested tips to write a good CV personal statement in an effective and impressive way. Have a look at them.
- Research the jobs thoroughly before applying and have a virtual look at the companies in which you are planning to apply. This would help you to identify that whether you are a perfect match for the job or not.
- Make sure your personal statement isn’t too long enough but still comprehensive enough to reflect your achievements, education, experience, and work-life.
- While writing your personal statement, ensure to focus on the benefits that the company will get from hiring you. If you are good enough at boosting the sales and will improve their workplace then make sure to mention all these traits.
- Having no work experience? Don’t worry, a personal statement can cover this lacking! Demonstrate your transferable workplace skills from the education and other projects that you have done. Make sure to follow the structure effectively so that your personal statement could turn out to be impressive for the hiring manager.
- Take care of the formatting and the tone as well as they are highly impactful in the personal statement.
The length of the personal statement depends upon the person who is writing the personal statement. The organization also matters a lot to which the personal statement is being written. When it comes to the discussion of the expertise and experience, you may take this long as per your choice.
However, the standard length of the personal statement is one single side of the typed A4 paper. This makes up the combination of up to 4,000 characters. Since it is the CV opening statement so make sure to keep it pretty concise and easy to read.
The format must be clean so the recruiter doesn’t feel messy and should read your personal statement. This must be a very short and snappy description of yourself of who you are as a professional. Your personal statement is not your cover letter or any personal essay so there is no need to exaggerate. Just reflect the light on yourself of who you are as a professional.
Since you have to showcase your personality as who you are in a person so keep the personal statement in a very professional tone.
Keep in mind, highly effective personal statements are those which are typically 50 to 200 words long. This makes up 4 lines only!
Hoping on to the element about which almost every job seeker feels confused. If you are also searching for a job, you might be in the dilemma of either you need to attach the personal statement with your CV or not!
Sounds relatable?
Don’t worry, with this guide you will learn why you need a personal statement with your CV.
A personal statement helps the recruiter to understand your objectives and aims at a professional note. The hiring manager can get the idea of how you would turn out to be an amazing asset for the organization.
Your professional appearance matters the most to the recruiter. Be it via online interview or the paper curriculum vitae, you need to be the strongest candidate among the pool of highly competitive and skilled applicants.
To make way through this battle, you need a personal statement with your curriculum vitae. This would collectively make your profile the strongest one among hundreds of applicants. So if you are still in the thoughts whether you must get a personal statement, then it is a big ‘Yes’.
The phase of finding a job is highly crucial and can be severely disappointing a lot of times. What if the absence of the personal statement took away the opportunity of landing an amazing job? Make sure to eradicate all the risk factors and get your CV accompanied with an excellently written personal statement.
Remember the keynote, the strong personal statement at the top of the resume encourages the hiring managers to read your CV in the full. Summing your aims and accomplishments in a brief yet clear way would help you to land the job interview quickly!
Don’t worry as we are going to dive deeper into the samples to understand what the CV personal statement is!
This section of the article comprises 3 CV personal statement examples that would help you to write your own personal statement. In this way, you would be able to win lots of interviews.

These are some samples of the amazingly written personal statement for CV. You can get the idea by looking at them that how your language should be while creating a personal statement. Make sure to incorporate all expertise and skills efficiently in the personal statement and showcase your professional side in an impressive way.
Landing a job is definitely a nerve-wracking process but with some smart tips, you can win to land the interview for any of your favorite job position. Have a look at the samples and tips and create your own outstanding personal statement for the CV.
At, we can help you create a professionally written personal statement for your CV that will make you stand out and impress any potential employer.